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Recognition as an EIA coordinator

You require a recognition to lead a team of recognised EIA experts as an EIA coordinator during the compilation of an environmental impact assessment.

Download the list of recognised EIA coordinators (in Dutch)(PDF file opens in new window).


To be recognised as an EIA coordinator, you must fulfil:

  • general recognition conditions(opens in new window) that apply to all the recognitions relating to the environment:
    • in the 3 years that precede the application for the Flemish recognition certificate, the applicant has not been convicted of a criminal offence in a member state of the European Economic Area, for infringements of the environmental legislation concerning the use of the recognition
    • in the 2 years that precede the application for the Flemish recognition certificate, no recognition of the applicant with the same subject was revoked due to infringement of the obligations associated with that recognition.
  • special recognition conditions:
    • be a natural person
    • have obtained at least a master’s, bachelor’s or equivalent degree
    • have acquired at least 3 years practical experience in collaborating on the coordination of environmental impact assessments, during the 5 years preceding the application for recognition
    • have successfully completed a training course of at least 140 hours in which at least the following subjects and competencies are addressed:
      • competencies (at least 40 hours):
        • supervision
        • planning and organisation
        • collaboration
        • communicative and participative skills
        • coaching
        • powers of persuasion
        • editing skills
      • basic knowledge of all the disciplines addressed in an environmental impact assessment (at least 100 hours).

If you wish to be recognised as an EIA coordinator, you do not need to be a recognised EIA expert.

Validity period and obligations

The recognition is valid for an indefinite period. As a recognised EIA coordinator, you must meet the following obligations to retain recognition:

  • guarantee quality performance of the activities. That also covers the objective and independent performance of the service provision
  • hold insurance for third party liability, including professional liability, in connection with the use of the recognition
  • follow at least 8 hours of refresher training every year in order to stay abreast of the latest developments and legislation regarding environmental impact assessments. The EIA coordinator must be able to provide evidence of the refresher course in the event of a check carried out by a supervisor. Find more information on what qualifies as refresher training (in Dutch).
  • pay the annual fee (in Dutch). The first payment is to be made in the year following the year in which the EIA coordinator obtained the recognition. Failure to pay the annual fee will lead to automatic suspension of the recognition following a formal notice of default. If the fee is still not paid within 30 days of the suspension, the recognition will automatically lapse.

More information on the obligations for EIA coordinators can be found on the Department of Environment and Spatial Development website.


Request your recognition from the Department of Environment and Spatial Development of the Flemish administration.

  1. Download the application form (in Dutch)(Word file opens in new window) (Word document) from the Department of Environment and Spatial Development website and fill it in.
  2. Transfer the one-off fee to account no. BE40 3751 1110 2263 stating ‘OMG-A-MERCO + your first and last name’.
  3. Submit all the documents to the Flemish administration.
    1. If you have a Belgian eID, submit your application and receipt via the online recognition desk of the Department of Environment and Spatial Development(opens in new window) (click on ‘Ga naar het erkenningenloket’; log in with eID).
    2. If you do not have a Belgian eID, submit your application and receipt by registered letter to Departement Omgeving, Koning Albert II-laan 20/bus 8, 1000 Brussel, to the attention of Team Erkenningen, afdeling GOP.

The competent unit handles your application and consults a number of bodies for an opinion. If necessary, additional information will be collected and a hearing organised. The leading official of the Department of Environment and Spatial Development reaches a decision within 90 days, starting from the day after the submission of the complete application file.


You must pay a one-off fee for handling the application for recognition as an EIA coordinator.

  • For 2023, the one-off fee is 681 euro.
    • If you are also recognised as an EIA expert, the one-off fee is only 170 euro.
  • For 2024, the one-off fee is
    • 683 euro,
    • or if you are also recognised as an EIA expert, the one-off fee is only 171 euro.

As a recognised EIA coordinator, you must also pay an annual fee for the supervision of your recognition. You will receive an invoice for this by post in your name at your official address at the start of the calendar year.

  • For 2024 the annual fee is 137 euro.
  • If you are also recognised as an EIA expert, the annual fee is only 34 euro.
  • These sums are index-adjusted every year.


Flemish regulation on environmental recognitions (VLAREL).