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LECP Conference 'Translating the European Green Deal into Local Action'

The Flemish Agency for Home Affairs organised the conference ‘Translating the European Green Deal into Local Action’ on March 15 2024. During the conference, about 220 local and regional leaders signed the Declaration. European mayors reaffirmed their commitment to the European Green Deal and joined us in asking the EU to empower local and regional governments to ensure its successful implementation. This conference during the Belgian EU Presidency and before the European elections, presents a unique opportunity to share a unified message with European policymakers. The declaration was translated in the 24 EU languages so don’t hesitate to share it with your international network.

European Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič and the Flemish Minister of Home Affairs opened the conference, emphasizing the importance of the local level in implementing the European Green Deal. This was followed by panel sessions with experts from the local and European level, such as Kurt Vandenberghe (Director General DG CLIMA, European Commission) and the mayors of Dijon, Freiburg, Turku, Aalborg and Lodz, among others. The highlight of the day was the signing of the conference declaration, which calls for a stronger anchoring of the local level in European climate policy.

The inspiration behind this conference is the Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact. It translates abstract and long-term goals into tangible targets that everyone can relate and contribute to. We want to share our experience and learn from similar initiatives elsewhere in Europe so everyone can extrapolate these no-regret measures to fit their local context. Read more on the event website(opens in new window).

The Declaration was translated into 24 EU languages.
