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The Agency for Home Affairs and the Presidency of the Council of the European Union

The Agency for Home Affairs organised and hosted five important conferences within the policy areas of Integration and Urban Policy and on the Local Energy and Climate Pact (LECP) in the context of the Belgian EU Presidency.


Ministers, policymakers, experts, mayors and representatives of local authorities from the European Union and beyond came together to discuss the integration of newcomers and local authorities’ approach to diversity.

  • The High-Level Policy Forum and Ministerial Conference on 8 and 9 February 2024, provided a unique opportunity to share insights, exchange best practices and collaborate around the integration of newcomers.
  • The second conference, Local Government Approaches to Diversity on 19 April 2024 focused on inspiring initiatives and policies to promote diversity in our societies at the local level.

Urban Policy

Urban policy does not fall within the direct competence of the European Union. Rather, the authority for this lies entirely with the Member States and regions. This however does not mean that urban policy is not (co)shaped by European policy.

The primary consultation platforms for following up on this EU Urban Agenda are:

  • The Urban Development Group (UDG): Comprising the heads of urban policy departments from the 27 Member States, as well as representatives from various European institutions and organizations. Under the Belgian EU presidency, the UDG convened on April 25 in Namur.
  • The Directors-General Meeting for Urban Matters (DGUM): This meeting includes the Directors-General responsible for urban policies in the Member States and was held on June 26 in Brussels.


The Flemish Agency for Home Affairs organised the conference ‘Translating the European Green Deal into Local Action’ on March 15 2024. During the conference, about 220 local and regional leaders signed the Declaration. European mayors reaffirmed their commitment to the European Green Deal and joined us in asking the EU to empower local and regional governments to ensure its successful implementation. This conference during the Belgian EU Presidency and before the European elections, presents a unique opportunity to share a unified message with European policymakers.