Metadata: Investment Flemish government
Investment Flemish government
Department of Finance and Budget
The data are actual figures. This concerns the actual transactions and not the projected figures from the budget and its revisions.
ESR revenue: the revenue that are consolidated across all entities that fall within the Flemish government according to the rules of the European System of Accounts (ESA). Consolidation means that the internal flows (revenue and expenditure) between these entities are not included.
ESR is the European standard for national and regional accounts and is therefore comparable across Europe. ESR is used by the Member States of the European Union and was last updated in 2010 (ESA 2010). The ESA revenue include only the following ESA codes:
Current revenue
- Current revenue of goods and services (code 1)
- Interest and income from property (code 2)
- Current transfers from other sectors (code 3)
- Current transfers within the general government sector (code 4)
Capital revenue
- Capital transfers from other sectors (code 5)
- Capital transfers within the general government sector (code 6)
- Disinvestments (code 7)
- Codes 8 (Credit repayments and settlements of participations; other financial products) and 9 (Government debt) are not included in the ESA revenue.
Comments on quality
The data are administrative data that are centralized within the Department of Finance and Budget.
These are amounts in current prices. These are prices of the year in question, not adjusted for inflation.
Department Finance and Budget: V(opens in new window)laamse rek (in Dutch)(opens in new window)ening (in Dutch)(opens in new window)