ready. You are currently on: Obtaining a secondary education diploma or certificate via the Secondary Education Examination Board

Obtaining a secondary education diploma or certificate via the Secondary Education Examination Board

Before the Secondary Education Examination Board, you can obtain a secondary education certificate or diploma at your own pace.

To sit examinations before the Examination Board you will have to self-study, since no lessons are given and no textbooks are made available. The Examination Board only organises examinations.


Everybody can participate in the examinations of the Secondary Education Examination Board. Age, nationality and previous qualifications do not matter.

If you are still of compulsory school age, you must:


Information session

Watch the online information session about the Secondary Education Examination Board.


After you have watched the online information session, you can enrol. You can choose from a varied range of courses.

Planning examinations

Once you have paid the enrolment fee, you can plan the examinations.


Depending on your education history, you may be eligible for an exemption.

Subject matter and learning materials

The Secondary Education Examination Board does not organise any lessons, which means you have to self-study. The subject matter is laid down for each subject in subject sheets (in Dutch)(opens in new window). Read more about the subject matter and the learning materials for sitting examinations before the Examination Board.

Sitting examinations

Examinations take place in the Brussels examination centre. Read more about sitting examinations before the Examination Board.

Results and examination board meeting

You will receive your results within a month of your examination. There is no fast-track procedure. If you have sat all the subjects of your course, an examination board meeting (Dutch: deliberatie) will be held. If you passed, your diploma or certificate will be sent to you.


The enrolment fee is 39 euros.