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DIGI-AR project: digital platform for Benelux and the Baltic states for automatic recognition of diplomas

From early 2025, a digital platform will make it easier to work or study in the Baltic region with a diploma from one of the Benelux countries, or vice versa, to study or work in Benelux with a degree from one of the Baltic states. NARIC-Vlaanderen is working together with NARIC-Lithuania on a digital platform to make it easier to compare higher education diplomas from the Baltic states and Benelux. This initiative is part of the ‘DIGI-AR project’ (Digital Tools for Implementation of Automatic Recognition).

Benefits for the applicant

The digital platform will contain shared information from the Benelux and Baltic countries, allowing:

  • Applicants to check to what extent their Flemish diploma corresponds to a diploma from the Baltic states or vice versa
  • Employers to immediately check the level of a diploma or course via a comparability statement on the platform. As a result, no additional equivalence procedures are needed.

Extra information for employers

Flemish diplomas will automatically be recognised in the Baltic region and vice versa, but employers may still need to consult information about the education system. This information will be provided on a digital platform accessible to both regions.

Information about the course(s) applicants took, the comparability of diplomas, the rights granted by a diploma to its holder, and the status of the institution that issued the diploma will also be available.

Who else is involved in the project?

The following organisations are also involved in the DIGI-AR project:

  • Studiju Kokybes Vertinimo Centras (SKVC), Lithuania (coordinator)
  • Academic Information Centre (AIC), Latvia
  • Stichting Nuffic (Nuffic), Netherlands
  • Ministerium Der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft (MDG), Belgium

DIGI-AR is partly co-financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+ programme.

The project will run from 1 February 2023 to 31 January 2025.