International Collaboration in Asset Management
On 10 - 11 February 2025, over 20 asset management experts from Flanders, the US, the UK, and the Netherlands came together in Brussels to share insights and strengthen international collaboration.
Hosted in a hybrid format at the Belpaire Building, experts from the Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works (MOW), Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), the Environment Agency (EA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) exchanged knowledge to enhance how existing assets are managed and how future assets are designed to meet societal needs.
They discussed the following topics:
- Data Hierarchy & Maintenance Management
- Asset Management Decision-Making & Portfolio Management
- Risk, Assurance, and Reliability
- Strategic Asset Management Plans
- Integration of Nature-Based Assets
- Skills Development & Competency Management
A site visit to the Beverentunnel renovation and Antwerp quay walls showcased asset management in action, reinforcing the importance of practical implementation.
This event builds on ongoing virtual expert discussions, and partners also explored a future strategy to deepen collaboration and drive innovation.
A huge thank you to everyone involved — looking forward to the next steps!