Nearly one fifth of all travel in Flanders today is done by bicycle. The Flemish government is committed to encouraging and supporting local governments in Flanders to accelerate their cycling policies. In this regard, good cycling infrastructure and cycle training are indispensable links. These will further shape the cycling network in Flanders and make cycling safer and more comfortable, contributing positively to the image of cycling.
Some notable figures about cycling in Flanders:
In Flanders today, cities and municipalities are estimated to invest between 15 and 20 euros per inhabitant in cycling policy
that is 3 times more than in 2017The risk of death for cyclists has dropped by 40% over the past 7 years
because more people cycle and often cycle longer distances50% of cyclists feel safe with mixed traffic and a speed limit of 30 km/h
the introduction of a 30 km/h speed limit in built-up areas plays an important role here
More figures can be viewed in the fact sheet below:
Inspiring research
Knowledge and research lead to better cycling policy. To support local governments in the development of their cycling policy, Fietsberaad Vlaanderen, the knowledge centre for cycling policy in Flanders, was established. But other organisations, such as the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV), are also committed to knowledge sharing.
Discover some of our inspiring research strengthening cycling policy here:
Cycling training
Pre-primary and primary education
VSV has developed a traffic learning trajectory for children aged 3 to 12. Cycling training is an important part of this, through a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. It starts in kindergarten with the balance bike certificate and evolves into the cycling certificate (bronze-silver-gold) in primary school. VSV supports schools with a concrete roadmap, useful teaching materials and a fun certificate.
More information: Traffic education in primary school (in Dutch)(opens in new window)
© VSV Secondary education
Traffic education also remains important in secondary schools in order for young people to move safely in traffic. VSV has developed workshops, packages and online learning platforms for this purpose. The cycling workshops include several topics that highlight the importance of safe cycling: these range from the effects of distractions on the bike, such as from cell phone use, to practising essential steering and cycling skills to safely bike to school in groups. The Opvallr campaign raises awareness among young people about the importance of proper bicycle lighting.
More information: Traffic education in secondary school (in Dutch)(opens in new window)
Cycling workshops
for companies and associationsThe cycling workshops organised by VSV are practice-oriented training with the necessary tips and tricks to prevent accidents, both on the (e-)bike and the speed pedelec.
© VSV Public awareness campaigns
VSV also regularly launches awareness campaigns aimed at all road users to encourage understanding interaction between cyclists and other road users.
More information: VSV campaigns(opens in new window)