CEF2 Transport calls for proposals
The 2024 General call for proposals were closed on 21 January 2025.
Below you can find an overview of the priorities of the work programme, the specific requirements and deadlines for the open calls as well as the procedures for drafting and submitting a project proposal.
Calls for proposals 2025
The information on the Alternative Fuels Facility specifies some further requirements and conditions for projects’ eligibility.
Submitting a project proposal
- Stap 1
Your project seems to fit one of the priorities and requirements mentioned above? Definitely check the full description of the work programme, the call for proposal and the forms on the Funding & Tender portal(opens in new window). In this way you get a complete overview of the required information for a project proposal and - in case your project is selected for funding - the obligations.
- Stap 2
To inform the Flemish CEF team of your intention to submit a project proposal, send us a short project concept. For the second cut-off of the AFIF-call for proposals, the deadline is 30 April 2025. After screening this, we can support you in the drafting process and with questions related to the procedures to follow. For the submission of the project concept, you can use this form.(Word file opens in new window)
This brief overview of your project will be presented to the cabinet of the Minister of Mobility and Public Works to facilitate the later validation of the complete project proposal, the last step before the official submission via the European Funding & Tender portal(opens in new window).
- Stap 3
As in the previous programming period, projects with so-called physical interventions must demonstrate compliance with European environmental legislation in the environmental compliance file. This requires a validation by the Natura2000 authority, as well as the competent authority regarding the impact on water quality. You request these declarations via mail directly to the competent authorities. For the 2nd cut-off of the AFIF call for proposals, the deadline to request these documents is 16 April 2025. Pay attention to the following aspects:
- Fill in the application form “Environmental Compliance File” and send a separate mail for each project
- Clearly mention the location of the project, for example in relation to Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), including address and parcel data
- Include a clear motivation why no impact is to be expected regarding water quality/Natura2000.
A confirmation from the competent authority for Natura2000, the Agency for Nature and Forests, only needs to be provided if there is no significant impact on Natura2000 sites. This is included in section 4 of the environmental compliance file.
You send the request for this confirmation by email to aves.cd.anb@vlaanderen.be(opens in your email application), with CC to leni.demarest@vlaanderen.be(opens in your email application).
If there is a significant impact on Natura2000 sites, you must add a number of documents to your project proposal file to substantiate the assessment carried out and planned compensation measures:
- approval of the appropriate assessment by competent authority,
- appropriate assessment itself,
- maps
- possible registration with Europe according to the Habitats Directive
In that case you do not need an additional statement from the Natura2000 authority.
Water quality
The declaration on the impact of the project on water quality can be found in section 5 of the environmental compliance file. This document will be provided by the Flemish Environment Agency on behalf of the Coordinating Committee on Integrated Water Policy. Send the request for this declaration to ciw-sec@vmm.be(opens in your email application), with l.eyerman@vmm.be(opens in your email application) in CC.
Projects that cause deterioration of the status of the water body or prevent attainment of the proposed good status may not be authorised unless the conditions for a derogation are met. Temporary deterioration is also not permitted. Bear in mind that hydromorphological modifications, discharges or changes to groundwater, among other things, may potentially have a negative impact on the status of water bodies.
In the application for the water quality declaration, it is therefore important to properly substantiate why no (temporary) deterioration will occur, or why a deviation according to the conditions of Art. 4.7 of the Water Framework Directive (or art. of the coordinated decree on integral water policy) is justified. Always include sufficient background information and supporting documents.
The following two documents (in Dutch) provide further explanation of the concepts and what is understood under a deterioration, and give instructions on how to deal with the provisions of the Water Framework Directive in the context of permits. Use these instructions when drawing up the EIA and environmental permit application for your project:
Beware, these documents do not take into account recent jurisdiction that does not allow a temporary deterioration.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
You must indicate in the file whether or not the project falls under Annex 1 or 2 of the EIA Directive 2011/92/EU (usually larger infrastructure projects), but you no longer need a confirmation or statement from the EIA Service.
If you fall under the appendices, you must have already taken some steps in this area, the preparation of the EIA report and the consultations by the date of submission.
In any case, various documents must be submitted to substantiate and substantiate the EIA status of the project.
Climate proofing
If your project falls under the EIA Directive, you must also demonstrate that your project focuses on climate mitigation and adaptation, based on the Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure 2021-2027(opens in new window).
All information, files and declarations need to be merged into one file digitally and uploaded in the Funding and Tender portal. The maximum file size is 50MB.
- Stap 4
After your project concept has been approved by the Departement of Mobility and Public Works, you can continue elaborating the project proposal.
This entails a technical description of the project, linking it to the priorities of the call for proposals, elaborating on the project’s contribution to the objectives of TEN-T, the maturity, defining milestones and deliverables,...
Furthermore a financial overview of the project resources needs to be determined.
To demonstrate your project is in line with European legislation, you also need to describe which permits are relevant and what the status is of that process. When these do not apply to your project you need to attest this with environmental declarations.
- Stap 5
Flanders is responsible for the validation of project proposals in line with our competences. This remains a requirement for submission in Belgium.
Send the CEF Team the complete proposal that has been prepared in the Funding & Tender portal(opens in new window), together with the complete Member state validation file(Word file opens in new window). For the 2nd cut-off of the AFIF call for proposals, the deadline is 27 May 2025. This way, we can screen your documents one last time and give some feedback to optimalise the forms. After the validation, you can submit the project proposal until the ultimate European deadline.