Employing a foreigner in Flanders: specialised technician
Foreign specialised technicians can come to work in Flanders under certain conditions. Their future employer can apply for a work permit for this purpose.
Who is considered a specialised technician?
A foreigner can work as a specialised technician in Flanders if they meet a number of conditions.
- They work for a foreign employer via an employment contract.
- They come to Belgium to:
- assemble
- initiate/start up
- repair/maintain
an installation manufactured or supplied by that foreign employer.
It is not just about an initial assembly or start-up, but also about any maintenance and/or repair work.
It is also possible for the foreigner to come to Belgium to perform the assembly, initiation, start-up, repair or maintenance within the framework of a warranty clause in the original supply agreement. This means that the foreigner can come from another employer to provide those services (subcontracting or third party).
In the following situations, the employer should not apply for admission to employment:
- The employee does not need more than 8 days for the initial installation. This exemption does not apply to activities in the construction sector.
- The employee does not spend longer than 5 days per month in Belgium for maintenance and repair work.
These exemptions do not only apply to industrial installations. The supply and installation of products and services produced abroad such as software are also eligible.
Procedure for obtaining a work permit - 90 days maximum
The employer applies for the work permit for their future foreign employee who is coming to work in Belgium for 90 days maximum. This is done in one procedure, but separate conditions may apply per category.
- Stap 1
Kijk na in welke regio u de aanvraag moet indienen
- Stap 2
Download het aanvraagformulier
- Stap 3
Verzamel de nodige gegevens
- Stap 4
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- initiated
- assembled
- repaired
by the specialised technician.
- Note indicating sector and field of activity
- Employment contract of the employee with the foreign employer
- with a translation of the service assignment or assignment letter signed by you
- and describing:
- the duration of posting
- the employment and pay conditions during the posting.
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- Stap 5
Stel uw aanvraag samen
- Stap 6
Scan uw aanvraag
- Stap 7
- Stap 8
Na de aanvraag
Procedure for obtaining a work permit - 90 per 180 days with a Schengen visa
The employer applies for the work permit for their future foreign employee who is coming to Belgium to work for 90 per 180 days with a Schengen visa. The foreign worker must be in possession of a Schengen visa valid for at least 180 days. The work permit will be used in combination with the Schengen visa.
If a Schengen visa for a longer duration is obtained, the foreign employee will be allowed to work in the Flemish Region for a maximum of 90 days during the period of validity of their Schengen visa (at least 180 days) and the period of validity of their work permit (180 days).
The application for the permit is thus made by the employer, separate conditions may apply per category.
- Stap 1
Kijk na in welke regio u de aanvraag moet indienen
- Stap 2
Download een aanvraagformulier
- Stap 3
Verzamel de nodige gegevens
- Stap 4
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- initiated
- assembled
- repaired
by the specialised technician.
- Note indicating sector and field of activity
- Employment contract of the employee with the foreign employer
- with a translation of the service assignment or assignment letter signed by you
- and describing:
- the duration of posting
- the employment and pay conditions during the posting.
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- Stap 5
Stel uw aanvraag samen
- Stap 6
Scan uw aanvraag
- Stap 7
- Stap 8
Na de aanvraag
Procedure for obtaining a work permit – Fixed duration, more than 90 days
The employer applies for a single permit of fixed duration (single permit) for their future foreign employee who is coming to work in Belgium as a specialised technician for more than 90 days to 6 months maximum. This single permit contains both a work permit and a residence permit. If the application is approved, the employee can work for the employer who applied for the permit.
The specialised technician can thus stay for a maximum of 6 months for the same project. If someone is needed to continue the project, another specialised technician must be sent.
The employer compiles the required documents for their application. The documents do not have to be originals, a copy is sufficient.
- Stap 1
Stel uw aanvraag samen: documenten over verblijf en identiteit van de werknemer
- Stap 2
Stel uw aanvraag samen: de arbeidsovereenkomst
- Stap 3
Bijkomende documenten als de werknemer werkt via detachering
- Stap 4
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- initiated
- assembled
- repaired
by the specialised technician.
- Note indicating sector and field of activity
- Employment contract of the employee with the foreign employer
- with a translation of the service assignment or assignment letter signed by you
- and describing:
- the duration of posting
- the employment and pay conditions during the posting.
- Supply agreement showing that the installation was manufactured and delivered by the foreign employer. That installation is:
- Stap 5
Dien uw aanvraag in via het uniek loket - Working in Belgium
- Stap 6
Na de aanvraag, mogelijke beslissingen
Renewing your work permit
Do you want to renew an existing permit? This also depends on the work permit you already have. The renewal may be submitted up to a maximum of 4 months in advance.
Hernieuwing van een toelating tot arbeid van maximaal 90 dagen
Hernieuwing van een toelating tot arbeid 90 per 180 dagen met Schengenvisum
The specialised technician can stay for a maximum of 6 months for the same project. If someone is needed to continue the project, another specialised technician must be sent.